This chart will blow your mind. Click anywhere on the chart below for more details.

You can actually get GrooveFunnels free for life here. Or checkout all the savings for those who upgrade.
This chart will blow your mind. Click anywhere on the chart below for more details.
You can actually get GrooveFunnels free for life here. Or checkout all the savings for those who upgrade.
How should I organize:
Use Trello and Google Sheets. In Trello, for each project simply create the following lists:
1. Inbox
2. Next
3. Sometime
4. Waiting
5. Misc Info
6. Strategy Notes
That formula will get you far. Trello allows you to drag and drop each note. Its worth watching a tutorial on YouTube.
Any questions?
Here is the video with transcription also below.
The following is the transcript provided by YouTube:
Hello Groove my name is David Lemon i’m the community
manager of GrooveDigital and i welcome you here to
GrooveFunnels you did a very good decision for
choosing and purchasing or actually signing up for GrooveFunnels if you’re
on a free account welcome if you’re on a paid account
great decision if you still thinking about upgrading
you can do it still and you still have time to get the
lifetime upgrade and i suggest you to do it
as soon as possible very soon we’ll be heading over to a monthly pricing plan
so the lifetime option will be going away
but you still have time so in case you’re on a free plan head over to
the upgrade page uh just click the upgrade button from your dashboard and
you can join the lifetime club but
yes in case you’re new in case you don’t know how to use it or actually what is
GrooveFunnels i’ve seen posts well i have no clue what this is for but i’m
a member and that’s very great but in case you’re
on a free account there’s not a lot that you
probably invested but in case you invested into the the paid account
you probably spent some money and not knowing what you purchased
is not the best thing so in this video i’ll be showing you
and explaining you what GrooveFunnels is what GroovePages was GrooveDigital is
what all these Groove stuff is what you can do with it um
how you can use use it um where to find training where to find support and
things like this so this is the goal of today
and yes i just want to welcome you i’m very happy that you are here
and i have also the next slide is just saying
um this welcome to GrooveFunnels and yes so my name is david levin lemon and
let me just introduce myself a bit i was just a
normal user like you once uh this was in may and i was just helping out people
answering to users questions and and there was a lot of repeating
questions so i decided i will create a couple of videos
on helping out users so i created a couple of videos and
and continued helping users in the facebook group
and the company found me company saw my uh
my posts my videos and that i’m helping people
and they wanted to take me in so that i work with them hand in hand
and this is what happened and now something live streams
later um i’m teaching you guys and showing you
what i’ve learned what this company is about and what you can use it for
so GrooveFunnels is a very very powerful suite of tools you will be able to use
it for your business for your marketing in case you’re creating art
as well you can use uh GroovePages for building
art pages and i i will show you an example
uh from a user inside our own facebook group and she is not using
it for selling only she’s actually creating
art pieces and she’s creating like she’s testing the
limits of this software and creating something that that is
quite amazing um but yes so i wanted to to
tell you that i’m doing live streams every workday
in a week which is monday to friday and this is more like a a conversational
type of of training a live stream so that it is
not yes welcome to GrooveFunnels click here
to do this click here to do that i actually want to talk with you
explain you things like a human person would not like a robot and
i believe users appreciate it so in case you do have any questions later down the
line please uh please pop them in the comment
section we will be answering them soon but in case this is your first time
joining our live stream and in case you’re watching us on
facebook please head over to forward slash facebook
otherwise i will not be able to see your name or uh
your profile image for example as you can see
eldon is watching us on youtube and in case he would be watching us for
example on facebook like uh danielle over here her
name and her profile image shows up but in case you didn’t approve stream yard
you will be showing up like this as a facebook user and
without an image so i cannot see your name and your profile image when
i’m answering your questions so please head over to
approve this you do it only once and then the next times whenever you are
watching us watching our live streams watching our
tutorials and teachings uh you will be able to comment and we can
see your name see your profile image and we can answer the questions
directly towards uh basic the directly your questions so we can read
out your name and answer your question so as i mentioned we will
have a q a session at the end of this training
we will be answering all the users questions that will be popping up in the
comment section so in case you do have any comments or
any questions uh please just put a little q in front
of it and then your question so when i’m
scrolling through all the the comments it will be easy to pick out
what the questions are uh so in case you have something
that you wanted to ask please put q dash and then your question
so that i can find it easily inside the comments uh but yeah
if you are watching i would encourage you just to jump in and say hi
this is something that i do every time on our live streams
i just want to see who is with us i will click on your your name
and then read out all the all the people that are here
so in case your first time here in case you’re watching just
pop into the comments and then say hey david i’m here
i’m watching i’m here that uh just so that i can see that
that it becomes a dialogue and not a monologue
so i have uh ryan jarratta is watching us
on facebook and saying hi awesome it’s good to have you here ryan
we have we have eldon as always we have a facebook user as i clicked
previously on the name saying hello so it’s good to have you
here as well um i have rob watching us i have viver
here namaste from india uh perfect karen
is watching us hi david lemon hi all perfect
so i have a user that is first time over here perfect
welcome um carmen is saying welcome all you never want to miss a training from
uh from david lemon he is so wonderful thank you very much karen
it means a lot uh susan saying hey david thanks for doing this
absolutely susan i’m very glad uh that you’re here
jb thank you david jb de la cruz philippines platinum member awesome it’s
good to have you here so i have uh daniel eu saying hi
awesome david from content creation um joe saying lemon legend thank you very
much joe carly c is here saying hey uh hey man i
upgrade to lifetime okay but when click funnels import will be okay
so songly this is a question plea please read the slide that i have in case you
have a question please put a queue in front of it and we will
be answering it in a q a session at the end of the stream okay i prepared a nice
presentation we will go through everything and then
at the end i will answer user’s questions
perfect so adnan saying hey um i have dr deepti from india darcy hall good
morning david you sound a little hoarse too much cheering whoo
yes for all the groove advancements absolutely yes so we
have big um we will be posting uh a post on our in our facebook group
uh we reached great milestones with uh with having people sign up on a on a
platinum membership and we’re so happy in the company that
you managed to join us and that you will be able to use us for for life
we will be able to help you with your marketing you will be able to help other
users other people around the world with your products so
it’s just making people happy and and i love this and it’s no better
feeling than helping people so perfect taylor hill blessings from
virginia awesome it’s good to have you here uh
datri from india is here awesome so
we have a very good crowd of people here so i believe it’s time for us to start
doing the training actually so the first question is
what is GrooveFunnels so you probably signed up but there is some people that
may not realize what they signed up for in case you’re on a free account
you can you can use a lot of different apps inside GrooveFunnels
but in case you’re a platinum account you probably have a bit of understanding
what it is but i will just say it anyway so
GrooveFunnels imagine GrooveFunnels like a like a box
which has different things inside the box
and these things inside the box are tools so i just imagine like shovels
and i don’t know hammers and things like this tools that you can do
something with inside this box these are tools and you need to use the tools to
create something with so this is GrooveFunnels GrooveFunnels is a suite of apps
which holds all these tools that are interconnected that communicate with
each other for example for your marketing you can
build out your websites you can create your products that you will be selling
on your website you can create a membership site that
you will connect to your website that will you can
you will connect to your product so this is an integrated suite of apps
that will be working together to achieve a goal of
making you successful sales uh running your business
getting your marketing uh and your basically
products promoted online and GrooveFunnels is a is a
one stop shop for successful marketing and successful online business this is
the definition i like to give but there is so much more
to it GrooveFunnels is a suite of apps
sometimes people mistake it with GrooveDigital
GrooveDigital and GrooveFunnels as are two different things
it’s like um GrooveDigital is the name of the company
so GrooveDigital is like microsoft or apple
and GrooveFunnels is the product that that was created like windows
from microsoft or or mac os or icloud this is also a software that is
online so GrooveDigital is the company and the
the product that GrooveDigital created is called GrooveFunnels okay
so GrooveDigital has a couple of different products so at this point
the GrooveFunnels is one product and GrooveKart is another product i will be
getting more into that uh explaining what each does but
this is just a basic understanding imagine GrooveFunnels as a suite of apps
like microsoft office that has different things like GroovePages and GrooveSell
and GrooveMember which is compared to uh were microsoft
word microsoft powerpoint microsoft excel and things
like this so that’s just for you to understand how it
looks like and what the what the arrangement of these groove
names is so um i believe now we know what
GrooveFunnels is let’s just go over and show you what
GrooveFunnels has as i mentioned GrooveFunnels has
tools inside but let me just show you what the tools are
so GrooveFunnels is is a product that has
all these tools inside so GroovePages for building out your pages and landing
pages and funnels this is more of a design tool that can
replace uh click funnels or wordpress and
uh and tools like elementor or drive architect
or or things like this that you actually use to visually
build out your site okay the GrooveSell is the place where you will set up your
product that you will say okay my product is called this this is
the price of the product this is how the
people can purchase it this is how the people can get to it and
that is GrooveSell GrooveSell compares to sim
cards some cart is very similar to GrooveSell
it is uh it is a more advanced uh more it’s an older company
but GrooveSell will be better stronger and
will have more features uh as time goes on
GrooveAffiliate so let’s just say that you now designed your pages with
GroovePages you design you created your products
with GrooveSell and you started selling them
but to promote it you can also create your affiliate system you can create an
affiliate system which means you will invite other people so that
they take a link to be able to promote your
product so this is very strong and very powerful
in marketing to create a viral effect so it will not
only be you who will be selling the product
but instead of one person it will be selling like multiple different people
and they can make a bit of commissions on selling your product they can help
you out in returns of a commission so this is
what GrooveAffiliate does and it compares to tap affiliate which
is a different platform from a different company
but once GrooveAffiliate is i mean it already can do like of what this
platform can do but we still need a bit of time
to develop it so that it is it is better stronger more powerful than the
than the competitors um i need to mention that at this point
GrooveFunnels as the whole suite of of things that you see here
is still in beta mode that means that we are still
actively working on developing this product
this is a not finished product let’s just imagine this product as a base of a
house and then we are building the the walls
the doors the windows the roof everything inside as well and
at this point we have the base and the walls of the house
and we are still developing that house and the
as time goes on we will be adding on more features that will
that will have bigger effects on your marketing that will help you out more
save time same save energy you will not need to use
all these different software for and then connect them together somehow
so they communicate once you will be having
your business created with these suite of tools they will be communicating
with each other automatically so there will be no need for
as they call duct taping different things together
so GrooveMail GrooveMail will be coming out very shortly
it will be used to send multiple emails at once let’s just say that you have
very uh you have a list of interested buyers we call them leads
you have a list of leads uh that want to purchase your product here from you
again and things like this you will be able to put this list into
GrooveMail and send out an email to everybody
and not only that you’ll be able to automate this email so on day one send
them this email on day two send them this email on day three send
them another email and you can do these automations and and
things like this it is much more advanced
uh than what i just explained but we’ll go over that once GrooveMail comes out
it is uh comparable to something like active campaign
active campaign is i is a is a third part is a
different company they created a tool that
we will have something similar with GrooveMail but it will be more powerful
and more connected because all of this will be talking to each
other GrooveMember is used to create memberships
and basically this is a system of delivering your products let’s just say
you are selling a course and your course is set up
inside a GrooveMember platform which is a membership where the
people that purchased access to this course they
need to log in and then they can see the modules
you’ve probably seen already courses online you had to
register for it or log in and then you go into a
membership area in a in a platform which has
like course one or or module one of the course module two module three
then you click on that then there are different chapters and
videos and posts and things like this so this is what GrooveMember will be able
to do GrooveVideo is a strong
marketing platform for video so we compare it to vimeo
because vimeo is used for uh creating videos that are used for
marketing for example sales videos like you probably seen
already sales videos on a page on a landing page you come on there
and you see people explaining what their product is or they do
these cartoon animations of explanation explainer videos of of products
so this is something GrooveVideo will be able to do but
the distinction is that you can do tagging and
automations from GrooveVideo like in case
somebody watches of the video show them a button
and send them this email through GrooveMail these things you will be able
to automate using GrooveVideo and it will be very powerful
it is already out and we’ll dive into it a bit later
GrooveKart is an e-commerce platform you can create an e-commerce store
that means that you can create a shop which you
design your your pages here is um like a carpet category here is a
category where i’m selling uh like couches here is a category where i’m
selling um all kinds of different sofas and
things like this and all of these items that you’re selling
are visible for people to browse okay so i can click on this
sofa see it see the pictures see the descriptions and then things like this
um this is an e-commerce platform it is comparable to shopify
and you also have it with the one-time deal
in case you are on the free membership you will be able to to register to
GrooveKart as well later on in around month or so GrooveKart will be
having a freemium option as well so it will not be
sorry it will not be a full platform like for the
for the paid members but it will be a freemium option
which will have some limits on it but more information on that later
then these are the future groove funnels suite of tools
GrooveWebinar live GrooveWebinars automated GrooveWebinar streaming
GrooveDesk for creating your own help desk for
helping support your product and support questions and
answering questions on for your product Groove calendar will be a booking
platform similar to calendly like you sold a service then you can
give them a you can give your visitors a booking
calendar they can choose the dates they can go on there
book an appointment with you or things like this so this is going to be very
powerful groove survey and groove quiz is also
here um is going to be used for creating
uh questionnaires and quizzes and and all kinds of different things which will
be connected with automation with all the other suite of tools so
this is going to be powerful and also we have Groove proof which is a
little widget a little pop-up that comes up
normally on the pages you’ve probably seen these before um
they are used to to prove that somebody else purchased or
somebody else signed up or somebody else uh did an action on this side so that
the people the visitors that when they come over there
they don’t think that they’re alone in this that other people are also using it
other people are interacting with it uh with your products with your
company and things like this so groove proof is
built in already and it is part of the suite of tools that you will be able to
this is an old pricing plan we increased the price it is now uh
. in case you didn’t upgrade yet you
missed out on this uh one-time offer payment
plan but there will be an other option which you can see
when you click into the upgrade button on the on your dashboard
so now we know what GrooveFunnels is what the other suite of tools are
but what can you do with it so you can actually
if you have a product you can set up your product in GrooveSell
like uh set up the payment gateway set up the
the the process what happens after somebody purchases the product
maybe send them an email or things like this and then you can design your pages
like you can design a landing page your sales page with GroovePages
now you can sell your product in a visible way
which is a sales page on on an internet site
you can have the product delivered which you set up in GrooveSell
and you can automate this um so you create a sales machine that is
online working for you hours so you don’t have to be there answering
calls answering emails it is actually automated because it is online and it is
working for you when even when you’re sleeping
so this is very powerful and this is why online businesses um
have more success than than some of the some of the local businesses because the
internet is a very helpful tool it helps automate things helps them run without
any hurdles any uh any hard tasks to do once you set it
up it can be left alone and you can just
work on your business not inside your business so this is
something that GrooveFunnels uh is working on to do more
automations more powerful integrations with
with all kinds of different things so that the speed uh
basically so that you don’t have to spend so much time working
on setting up everything but you can help
your customers that you actually sell sold to
so this is the kind of a goal of growth on us to create everything
very simple so that everybody can use and make a lot of money
uh as a bonus of helping other people so where can i learn how to use it so as
i mentioned previously in the intro we are actually i’m doing uh
videos every workday and you will be finding them here in the facebook group
or on youtube channel which is GrooveDigital very simple to
uh to understand or to to find so yeah i’m working i’m doing live
streams every workday i’m also doing short actionable videos which are called
lemon drops and which is uh because my name is david lemon as you
can see here below my face um i’m also doing lemonade sessions
lemonade is like lemon is aiding somebody so david lemon is helping
somebody and the users voted lemon drops would be
a perfect name for something short something actionable and this is
what is going to be created there are already videos
video tutorials on that and i will jump in in a moment we also bring in
experts there is every tuesday which is today you will be
able to come on a training with tom beale which is an
in online marketing expert and has sold a lot of products successfully with
the co-founder of this company uh mike feels same and he worked with a lot
of different uh other successful entrepreneurs and
internet marketers and he is actually coming and doing live
trainings for you free every tuesday we also have uh john garcia which is a
team member from our support desk he is teaching us how to use GrooveKart which
is the e-commerce platform i just talked about earlier
every thursday we have GrooveKart challenge also going
on where we um week by week build out a completely new store completely from
scratch with users that are watching the videos
so that is also happening on thursdays and we also have on fridays GrooveDigital
presents GrooveDigital presents is something
awesome where we bring in outside experts
so that they talk about their expertise and also
sometimes they share uh tools and and courses and books and things like
this which you can actually purchase so that you learn even more so that you
advance even faster in this marketing and in
your business so that you can um sell more
live better have more freedom automate everything and
and things like this so this is some type of a training schedule
and the best thing you could do is head over to
GrooveDigital com forward slash calendar oops
sorry not forward slash calendar
this will open this page which is which is a bit to the side but you have
two buttons it’s showing up add to google calendar
or add to ical this is where you can opt in to
our training calendar when you click the add to google calendar
you can see and receive notifications whenever we have
a training session going on you can receive also the links for
example you can see here on thursday we will have a lemonade session
you can click here to to visit the facebook group where
the training will be done you can also click over here and see
this live training with me we will have GrooveDigital presents over here here is
the link you can just click to this will register you so you are opted
in for the GrooveDigital presents we also have GrooveKart
ecommerce training we have GrooveKart or Groove
jv training for affiliates with joe jablonski here’s the affiliate manager
we also have this star uh training with tom beal as i mentioned
so this is the best place where you can receive notifications about
all our trainings okay but in case you’re
thinking where can i learn how to use it it’s not only our live trainings you can
also watch replays of these trainings where whenever we do a training there is
a replay that is staying online um most of these videos are streamed on
facebook and youtube at the same time so the best place to go
is uh either inside the facebook group and just to show you a quick tip in case
you scroll down here you can see um popular topics in posts whenever
there is a live demo or a live stream i upload them here in the live demo
sections okay so once you click over here
you can see now we have this um intro to GrooveFunnels that we are doing
now if you scroll down a bit you have a a video that was created
yesterday how to create a funnel using GroovePages GrooveSell and GrooveMember
then before that there is another one where i explain the new features of
GrooveSell then there’s the lemonade and things
like this so this is one of the places where you can
find uh videos not only the live demos you can also
find tutorial videos here these are the shorter videos where i explain
a lot of different things like um how to have a transparent navigation or
like this one how to have um a button delay how to create uh
like how to connect your uh your domain on cloudflare
how to use gifs or these movable images in GroovePages and things like this so
these are a couple of minutes uh long videos that you can find over here
by clicking on the tutorial videos we also sort our GrooveKart videos this
is the thursday GrooveKart videos are here
we also have the tuesday webinar replays with tom beal so in case you want to
find trainings this is where you would like
would need to go this was on uh week three of the GrooveKart training
this was thursday th of august and this was th
of august and then things like this so you can just find them here
inside the popular topics in post the other best place to go
is on youtube youtube is where we stream these immediately and if you head over
to our GrooveDigital uh youtube channel which is just typing
in forward slash GrooveDigital
there we go then this is basically the page that will open as you can see we
have a live stream now once you click on to videos
you can find the videos that we created uh kajabi and GrooveSell this is a
video that was uploaded minutes ago we’re doing this uh live stream now and
all the other videos that we created are over here so you can see them you can
find them very easily and just browse around we have a lot of
videos i suggest also subscribing to our channel because this way you can get
notifications not only when we are doing live streams
but also when we upload a video for example in case you have
an integration with or in case you’re using kajabi
and you want to integrate with GrooveSell you can now see a video over here
that was uploaded just minutes ago so you would get a notification about
those as well so yeah these are the best places where
you can find video replays there is also a platform
that we created where we keep replays of these ones
which is GrooveDigital academy not only the replays but also other
webinars and other um updates on software from mike feel
same and other co-founders you can find here
these are categorizing GrooveKart training GrooveFunnels training and
GrooveDigital presents as i mentioned these are the expert
interviews on fridays when they come they talk about how to advance your
business and then sometimes they have some
products to sell you can find these courses over here
everything related to GrooveFunnels to these suite of tools over here
um let me just move this away this suite of tools you can learn
about inside the GrooveFunnels training and then GrooveKart is a
is a special um training course module over here which you can
which you can go into and you can learn more about GrooveKart
so this is where i would suggest you to search for so in this popular topics in
posts on facebook group inside our youtube
channel or inside the GrooveDigital academy this
is the best place you can start learning how to use the
how to use these products the next slide is where can i search for answers
myself so in case you have a question you don’t know where to find your answer
i will show you now a couple of uh places where you would need to search
for or you could search for to find the best answers and the first
place i suggest is to head over to
this is the support channel where you can also um
also look for for questions in the knowledge base
for example in case you’re interested in connecting your email so let’s just type
in email and then immediately there will be uh
search results over here and whenever we mention email in
something for example email forwarding to a branded email address using free
email accounts in case you want to use a free email account
and you want to have a branded email address you can click over here
and then watch a video on that one we also have time stamps
which you can jump through different sections of the video
and find the information that you need so this is one of the ways that you can
search for your answers let’s just type in domain if you want to
connect your domain how to publish your own domain how to
publish with a domain uh with a godaddy or a namecheap domain
full guide on getting a domain connected with GroovePages so this is again
another video where you have time stamps you can click
on them and go to different parts but it’s not only
videos we also have a textual explanations like this and also here
it’s um text and images so you can understand it
uh understand it better and you don’t have to like commit of to watching
videos so that is that is
one of the platforms we also have GrooveVideo search which is a very cool
technology which makes it easy to find information
inside the videos so in case you are wondering about let’s
just say email or let’s just
find layer app layer app is a platform within GrooveKart
so now we can see this is an automation this is an
ai platform that it searches inside the videos
so it does a transcription of the video automatically and it searches for
different phrases as you can see layer app
it found it in the GrooveKart webinar replay from
and at this time frame so minutes and seconds it found that there is that
somebody was talking about layer app when you click it in or when you click
on it there will be the the player will be opening and immediately scrolling to
the section where it is talked about about the layer
app as you can see here now this is where it came to
so these are the two platforms i suggest for searching for your
and for your own answers and then of course the facebook group
facebook group is very powerful and we have answered a lot of questions
again and again in case you are looking for
a custom domain search in the facebook group and see
different different posts so the posts will be showing up the
comments will be not showing up so these are the posts uh that are
talking about custom domains so you can look for for answers
over here as well and this is also very powerful because
not we don’t create content and video content on everything
on smaller questions that you can find over here in the facebook groups
very detailed on like how to connect uh your domain from cloud
from click funnels to cloudflare and then over to GroovePages
we didn’t do a video on that one but it was answered a couple of times here in
the facebook group so these types of answers you can find uh
here as well so the
and also GrooveVideo search and our own facebook group these are the
places where you can search for your answers yourself
okay where do i ask for support so in case you you got into some you are
stuck somewhere and you want to learn uh how to use something or or you
actually need uh uh some handholding so that we pull you
out of the of the problems you can ask for support
on over here we were already here so you
can either create a ticket or here with uh with your with your
problem with your issue that you’re having
or during working hours um of eastern standard time you can also click over
here and chat so you can click on the on the
ask and you can chat with our support team
so you can do email or chat as well over here so once
you type in your question we can answer it so this is available
only during working hours eastern standard time and you can find
our support staff available online for chatting and also answering tickets over
here that is one of the places the second
second place in case this is not a very technical
question but uh like a recommendation that you want to ask from somebody
i suggest asking this in the facebook group we have a very active community
over here as you can see now somebody’s typing an answer over here
and like here as well so users are helping each other and the
and other users have the have the answers that
that somebody don’t somebody does so in case this is a quite technical
question i suggest asking it on the support
uh channel over here
if this is more like a recommendation or what would you do if or what do you
recommend something or things like this i suggest you to ask
that inside the facebook group
that is the two best places for getting recommendations and support i want to
see what other users created where can i do that
so this is a very good question and i i pulled this question out from the
facebook group there’s a lot of people that are just
starting out and they don’t know where to find where to find
pages where to find content to see that others created using this suite of
tools and i’m happy to say that we have pulled all
these uh all these pages created inside GroovePages
together inside inside a particular post
which is going out every tuesday and they are called
show and tell so we have a non we have a strict uh
policy about not sharing links promotional links affiliate links any
kind of links because it it just increases the or decreases the trust
factor of the whole group like everybody’s promoting something
everybody is just selling something and we don’t allow that so because
sharing sharing your site in a group it is not
allowed we created a post where it is actually
allowed and for the reason of getting feedback
so let me just show you uh show and
here we go show and tell this is the image for the show and tell
and you can see other users uh website by clicking on one of these
there is every week every every wednesday there is a show and tell
and if you click on one of these posts in the comment section you will see
uh people’s people sites let me just see in the comments
for example paul paulken and paul king and created an awesome site
uh look at this one so he created a a page where he is selling his book and
his audio book and this was created inside GroovePages
and the way we know that is because we
reviewed it and when paul was creating it
we were helping him so the users were commenting giving him feedback
um like you could do great slides but need to be fixed
scrolling and things like this so people are commenting on each other’s
websites each other’s creations so that um the person can improve it
and can uh can just make a bigger better website
this also created with proof pages as you can see
and the best place to find um find information on on what others
uh created using these platforms is inside the show-and-tell
for GrooveKart stores we don’t have a specific
uh place for finding GrooveKart stores and for that one you would just need to
ask inside a group people don’t like uh sharing their
creations before they are not ready yet so for GrooveKart stores we don’t have
a show and tell um post like this one yet but this will
be coming soon once GrooveKart is merged with GrooveFunnels
and i will explain that in a moment
so for finding pages created or finding sites with GroovePages
show and tell is where you would like to search you would need to search
okay so now we are coming into more in-depth demos
of uh of separate apps so as i mentioned GroovePages is a tool
that you can use to create your pages sales pages websites
landing pages opt-in pages bridge pages and all kinds of different pages
that’s why it’s called GroovePages very simple to understand
and once you are logged in into your dashboard
you will see the apps over here as as you can see this arrow pointing onto the
left hand side this is where the GrooveFunnels uh apps
are the first one is GroovePages once you click on it you
will see all your sites that you created i have a couple of them here
you can create a new site using a blank template you can use
a template that was pre-designed by our designers all these
pages were created inside GroovePages so in case you see
something over here everything was created using GroovePages
so let’s just use this feminine wealth opt-in okay
let’s click select um so some of these templates will not be
available for the free users but in case you are an upgraded user you
will see these templates this is how our
GroovePages page builder that you can start typing
and um changing things around how i can help
users become financially independent or things
like this that you basically you click inside you select things you
you can change colors you can make things bold you can do italic you can
change the text size over here as you can see
and all kinds of different things you have
here this image you can resize you can make it bigger you can make it smaller
just see like that one you can do padding and margin as you can
see over here so it is very simple to understand very
simple to use in case you want to move something for
example this image you want to move here you can do click drag and drop very
simple to use and here we go we’re back on this place
so in case you want to create your own custom sites you would need to use
things like blocks we have we already have pre-designed blocks
which you can use like with images and colors and things like this
this is not everything we are working on adding on more and more with a design
team but in case you want to do your own i
suggest using a wireframe blocks okay so these are blocks that don’t have any
styling so these are like black and white and and gray so you can
actually style them yourself it’s very simple to use just click drag
it out it’s like it says drop drop over here as
you can see now we have this so we click on the image
we can choose a different image set it up and then you’re
basically done so blocks elements we have different elements in case you
want to add on a paragraph of text below this headline
you just drag it out like that and then you can just double click and start
typing in your text um very simple we have a lot of
different elements you can use and yeah you just need to play with it
you need to you need to start using it and we have a
lot of different videos on how to start using GroovePages
you can choose i many of the builds that i created from youtube from
facebook from GrooveDigital academy and you can start doing it step by step
as i show in the videos and then you will learn how to use the
this tool called GroovePages okay i just wanted to show
and point out what GroovePages is i will not be going into depth on creating
pages but i just wanted to show what you can
do with it okay so the next app is GrooveSell as i
mentioned GrooveSell is used to create products so it is not a visual type of
thing that you can create your product it’s not
designing your product it’s like putting a handle here
then putting a like a a square thing here then you have a cup
and it’s it’s not that way it’s like you have a product you know its name you
know what you want to price it you know how you want to sell it and this is
basically what you set up inside GrooveSell
so if we go here inside the dashboard the second app
below GroovePages is called GrooveSell you click on GrooveSell
and this is what you will be seeing this is an analytics dashboard
but when you start selling your things when you start selling your products
this is where you will be seeing how much revenue you get how much is a
commission for affiliates how much profit is it for you
do did somebody refund ask for a refund and things like this you can also see
the rebuilds in case you are selling a subscription-based product
so that how many people uh got rebuild for the next subscription things
like this so this is just a very very short
analytics we will be improving that and there will be more
uh in-depth analytics later on but what you would need to do
is come into funnels and create a product funnel
as you can see i have created a couple for some previous
trainings that i created but it’s very simple you click into
create a new product funnel you add a name
so let’s just say that i’m selling uh a course which is
intro to GrooveFunnels this is the internal name you will be
seeing over here inside the dashboard you can also give it a name and
description that users may see i’ll just continue with the same thing
and now you will be seeing that this is your product funnel
a product funnel is imagine a box which has different products so the
first product will be the main product you will be selling then the next
product will be an upsell then a next product will be a downsell
that may be a different upsell so a product funnel will keep all
these main product upsell down so upsell down
so so it will be all stacked under one product funnel then you can
this is let’s say your main product you can add on a new product
and you can choose if if you want an upsell or or a main product or a
front-end product and you go through pricing gateways
content checkout bumps so you set it up correctly as you want
it and then you can actually start selling
immediately after that there are videos on how to set up
products so you just need to search for it
facebook youtube or our own GrooveDigital academy
also you can search for answers inside support
desk for how to set up products inside GrooveSell it’s pretty simple to use
it’s very uh guided as you can see first set up your information which is
the name and the description of the product then click save and next
then you go on to pricing then you set up the pricing would you like recurring
installments one time you set up the pricing
if you want more prices like i want to do a one-time
offer for like a . you want to do a recurring a
subscription type of thing then you can do like
dollars weekly and and things like this so you can go
really in-depth on setting up your product but it is all guided
through and you don’t have to think about oh i forgot one because it
actually guides you through every step of the way okay
so that is GrooveSell it’s very powerful and
it has a lot of different things that it offers you can set up tracking links you
can set up page tracking you will be able to
set up your sales tax you can create affiliate portals and tools in case you
want to promote uh your products using affiliate and
things like this it is you can see your customers in case
somebody purchased from you you can see the leads the leads are for
people that that wanted to buy the product but
decided not to buy the product so you will have their name you will
have their email and you can you will be able to send them like oh
you forgot something in your cart please click over here and check out
things like this which will be awesome it’s very powerful
okay so let’s just go out and have a look at the next product which is called
GrooveAffiliate GrooveAffiliate is very important tool for managing affiliate
programs this one is as i mentioned is the
backend of the affiliate products and affiliate
programs like the GrooveAffiliate program
when you join Groove when you join GrooveFunnels you
can can decide also to promote Groove as your product so in case you
don’t have a product yet you can make Groove as your products so once you
click here GrooveAffiliate program you can see here that you can get the
links for promoting it you can get some some swipe emails that
you copy this over you put it in your email uh email
software and you can sell send these emails so that you make
people purchase the product in this way you get a bit of commission
on that one if you are a paid member if you are a platinum member
you can earn commission and also an automatic tier on that one or
in case you’re a free member you get twenty percent and five percent on tier
two um platinum members get ten percent tier
two affiliate uh commissions but what i suggest is to
click on this button GrooveAffiliate program
and watch this video this is very important and mike goes through
everything you need to know about the affiliate program
okay i see a lot of great questions coming in so thank you very much guys
we will be answering your questions later on down uh
at the end of the live stream let me just go through all these
so that the people that are watching the replay didn’t have to go
from one step to another to to jump over and skip over
uh different things so that they can they can learn
and see all the answers that i created awesome
so GrooveAffiliate GrooveAffiliate is a platform that looks very very similar to
GrooveSell and that is because they are actually one software but it’s like
separated like like you put
yeah like two of your hands they’re both working together
when you put them together oops when you put them together they
they they are more stronger so here you can create promotions like
promotions for different links for um something from
clickbank something from uh from jvzoo you can actually take your
links and create promotions and trackings and things like
that you can also add bonuses automatically delivered for people that
join through your link and things like this
it’s very very powerful and i suggest uh jumping in and learning more about
GrooveAffiliate in case you are inside a affiliate of jv
business it is a very strong tool that you can use
you can also see sub affiliates on for promoting GrooveFunnels and you can also
see sub affiliates for your own products in case you are
selling your products using affiliates so that is it we will be having a
marketplace in case you create your product and you
would want to put it on the marketplace so
everybody can find it marketplace is similar to clickbank or jvzoo
or warrior plus forum these are all marketplaces for
products that somebody else created but you can sell it
instead of them as well so we will have our marketplace which will be here it
will be a GrooveSell marketplace okay
so that was GrooveAffiliate very short but in case you want to explore more
then you can find videos and tutorials on how to use it
what is GrooveVideo this is a very popular question is this is this like
youtube can i create my channel with it actually no this is not like youtube
this is not um exactly as vimeo this is a marketing
tool this is a tool that will create um
video players that you can put on your site
that will be tracking people in that watch the video
let me just show you so let’s just click on GrooveVideo over here it is a
software that came out like two weeks ago
if you go into videos i just click on this
edit video you can set up different videos you can set up the name
you can click here to upload the video you just drag
and drag a video over here just click inside this box to select the video
then you can choose what to display or how to display it you want it responsive
so that it moves with the site in case somebody is is watching on a mobile then
the video will be smaller in case somebody is watching on a
on a desktop the video will be bigger you can set up different settings for a
splash image the splash image as you can see here is
let me just refresh is the purple image that you see
now it is very brief but when you when you don’t click the play button
then you will be seeing the um how to play unload then you will be
seeing a splash image this is a splash image over here
you can decide if you want to mute or start or not to mute
you can select different skins let me show you here
so this you can select different colors for the player
like that and we will have more and more colors added
on later on but for now we have these ones
autoplay unload show overlay title you can also add a title
up here a like that as you can see you can also put in call to action so
you can see um let me just do it quickly so you can put
an opt-in form that shows up at not three hours but three seconds
sign up create and when the video reaches three
seconds one two three here we go
there is now our form and this is embedded into the video so you can
actually have video work for you so that
people that only people that sign up only then they can watch the rest of the
videos so this is very powerful and as you can see this is a marketing tool
it is not uh for playing your videos uh
like your family and your your birthdays and things like this
it is actually very important for selling in case somebody signs up
through the video in case somebody watches the video
you will be able to target them you will have
analytics uh dashboard later on on how like who watched what percentage of the
video where do they opt out where do they
leave the video so then you can improve your
videos in the future and things like this it’s very powerful marketing tool
and you can choose and action or loop the video from the beginning and things
like this so that it’s very very powerful that you can
create all kinds of different things using video and GrooveVideo
GrooveMember GrooveMember just came out this weekend and it is a tool it is a
software that you can use to create your own membership
platforms membership sites as i mentioned previously
um just briefly that a membership or a member members platform is
somewhere where you send people that purchased from you
if you are selling a course let’s just say then you
you process the payment and then you send people to GrooveMember to uh
to platform that you created using GrooveMember where you set up
okay so if this person purchased the basic um
package then they will see only this and this video if they
if they purchase the professional package then they will see this and this
and this and this and they will get this and this
okay so this is what you set up in GrooveMember so who will see
what content after the purchase and you can create your membership sites
like you can upload your your um your books in case you
are selling a book somebody purchased from you you put it in GrooveMember
people will be able to go back into this into this membership platform and
download your video whenever uh whenever they need it so let’s say
they download the video and they lost it or lost the phone or lost
the the kindle that they were using for reading the video so they can actually
go back to your membership site and just click the download button again
to to re-download their book that that they purchased from you so it’s
very very nice and let me just go in and show you so GrooveMember
is over here and when you click on it this is what
you will see so at this point i have a couple of memberships
and when you click on content membership then you can actually go and
set things up you click on new membership then you can decide on your
name so let’s just use intro to GrooveFunnels
as well
compared to Groove
okay so this is a subdomain sir
through funnels training okay
proof funnels test
and again you get into a step-by-step wizard to set up your your membership so
you decide on your name you put in your sales page
link over here you can choose the instructors over here
you can upload your logo and your featured image if you want to show the
progress bar like uh on courses um people watch one video
and then when they go and click mark as complete then the
progress bar gets a bit a bit a bit in so it’s that like you
finished like of the course and things like this so
this is the progress bar you can go into builder and actually
build out your your membership it is how it is like
that how it will will be looking like you can add our
categories and chapters you can pull in elements like this one
and solid button and youtube video here on the top
and things like this so it is very simple to use very similar to GroovePages
which i showed you previously and we’re we will try to work on
all our platforms to look and feel very similar
so then you don’t have to relearn everything um
once you learn GroovePages how to use it once you learn GrooveSell how to use it
everything else will be just a breeze because step by step you will know how
uh how to design how to uh construct your products how to construct
your memberships and things like this so it’s it will be following the same
styling but yeah now when you are finished you
can see here is the progress bar when somebody clicks the mark is
complete the progress bar will be uh will be going like sliding in
so that it shows that the people completed
you can choose if you want to enable or disable comments and comment moderation
if you want all the comments to be approved by an admin first or
just auto approve all comments access levels this is where i said okay
so the person that purchased the basic level will get access to
the person that purchased the professional level will get access to
this video that video this content that content
and then if you want to drip out content if you want to send
say like okay so if somebody joined the membership in the first day
give him access to this one but the next video just
give him access after three days so you can decide that over here
if you if you check instantly upon sign up they will get
access instantly if you click this after three days after four days after x
days you can set that up here or on a
specific date then you can choose the date over here like that and then
you can send a welcome email which is an automatic
um welcome email being sent by our system you can decide not to send
welcome emails or you will be able to send custom
welcome emails which will be automated by our GrooveMail
platform okay at the end you will get
your link and your users will see this on their site so they will see a
registration form they can type in their details over here
and they can access your platform so it’s pretty simple to
use it is guiding you through the whole way
you don’t have to think about a lot um and it’s just
very simple and very easy to create with okay and then what is uh
what is GrooveKart i have here on my slide but i just wanted to mention some
things at this point um it is first of
september and we are still waiting for GrooveMail when you click on GrooveMail
it is not out yet it says august st but the most up-to-date information you
can find on GrooveFunnels
dot com forward slash infographic if you scroll down and see what are the the
features and apps that came out you will see
GrooveMail is coming out very shortly and this is coming in september th
there will be um we still need to test GrooveMail with
uh just a small user base and then
and then this is why it is getting a bit delayed but it will be out very soon and
you will be able to use it shortly it is very cool i’ve seen i’ve
seen it in play and it’s just amazing how to how it works
so once GrooveMail comes out it will handle all the automation and all the
sequences and all the things that you want to play with um automatically
so you don’t have to actually do um most of the stuff yourself like if if
somebody watched the video until just send them this email send them a
link to the membership send them the from the membership send them here and
things like this so you will be able to do these automations
uh inside GrooveMail okay so forward slash
infographic is the place where you can see
everything about our feature updates and the
rollout of the new apps and the features so this is what i suggest you to to mark
and follow this page because this is where we will be
putting all the most updated information great so that is GrooveMail but let me
just talk now about GrooveKart as if as i wanted to do previously
GrooveKart as i mentioned is an e-commerce platform very similar to
shopify but once you click to e-commerce and
click on GrooveKart it is saying that it’s still coming it’s
not it’s not out yet and this is because
this is GrooveKart . we do have GrooveKart that is out
and in case you just recently upgraded to a platinum account you have
or you will have access to it it’s being sent out automatically by our system so
it could take a bit of time but my dot
is the platform the lot where you need to log in
at this moment um it is being worked on we are merging the two systems so it
takes a bit of time for it to load now but once uh once this time comes or
i believe it will be um september some somewhere mid-september GrooveKart will
be accessible from GrooveFunnels dashboard
okay so i believe the devs are working on it
it is not loading it no but it will be part of GrooveFunnels so you will have
GrooveSell GroovePages GrooveAffiliate GrooveVideo GrooveMember GrooveKart
everything will be here at the same place you will not have
separate logins separate passwords and things like this you will
be able to access to everything and then you will be able to sell
physical products um the way an online shop does
you will have um different access for your for your va’s so they can do
all kinds of like ad products fulfill products you’ll be able to do uh
print on demand drop shipping sell your own products
sell digital products as well if you are selling i don’t know designs
for t-shirts and it is a pdf file that you send out
you can send set up this in a store uh store layout
so people can go and see your designs and things like this first before buying
so it is very powerful and you will have
access to it very soon um it will be this month so
in case you jumped on the platinum deal very good job
you will have access to GrooveKart very soon inside your
dashboard but where do i see a roadmap as i showed you the roadmap is
GrooveFunnels oops not this one GrooveFunnels
funnels become forward slash infographic this is kind of a road map it says here
that you can find your target dates but please keep in mind that these dates are
more of a guideline rather than a guarantee because
as as you know we are a beta software and we
don’t want to push out a platform which is
very very very broken that is unusable so
sometimes when you’re developing software that is complex as what we are
trying to create in the time that we’re trying to create
it sometimes things break because we do all kinds of automations
and this needs to talk to this thing and this thing sometimes when we push
out a new platform it breaks the other ones so there are sometimes delays
because of this in integrated platform so this is why we say it is
more of a guideline than a guarantee um
as you can see here the the circles with the red
are delayed but circles with the green are
actually live already so you can see those out there
um yeah so this is one of the places the second place is
the second place to go is the feedback this is a place
where we see where we ask for people to request
features if you want to see a road map from GroovePages you can click on
feature requests see the top posts and the ones that have
the most votes will be getting done as a priority
okay so in case you want to do in case you want to see something
you can just you can just click on it and then it
it will get added to to our developers to-do list
and if if the ones that you want are down
somewhere below upvote them and ask others to upload it as well
inside the group so that that it gets done sooner
but this is a road map and this is the features that we will be developing
with the with our suite of tools so this is only for GroovePages
but every one of the platforms has it so GrooveSell
GrooveVideo feature request GrooveMember feature request
and there is no GrooveMail yet so that is it so GroovePages
GrooveSell feature request GrooveVideo and GrooveMember
GrooveKart has its own so in case you’re interested about GrooveKart
you can go to canny sorry forward slash
feature requests and this is for GrooveKart let’s just
see the top trending custom domain email we need templates
write required image pictures and logo okay so these are things are being
planned and in progress as you can see and this is a feature request for
GrooveKart once GrooveKart joins this platform over
here once GrooveKart is available inside
GrooveFunnels then we will have only one platform where
you will be able to vote on everything but for now we have
we have separate for GrooveKart and for GrooveFunnels
so yeah this is where you can see the road map
here is something that we already scheduled that we will we are working on
but in case if it’s not on there this is where you can find it in the feature
request this is the roadmap that our designers
and the and the developers are following
great so let’s just see the next one i found some bugs what should i do
so if you go over to the feature request page
and you just type in
you can also see that there is GroovePages bugs GrooveSell
bugs GrooveVideo bugs GrooveMember bugs GrooveMail bugs and things like this so
it is um this is the platform you need to
go to um in case you found a bug and you want
to report it then just go over here GrooveVideo bugs
create a post and report it or if it’s already done just
upvote it so changing video skin color does not save
okay awesome great we uploaded it and we want this done
as soon as possible the the the developers that are working on fixing
the bugs for each of these platforms they look this and this is the only
thing they follow the trello board they have this one on the trello board
so they go from okay um to do
in progress done and this is what they have
over there for to do so in case you let’s just see the top comments over
here uh for example now this has four if i
upload it it will have five so then it will
it will pop higher it will be higher on the on the priority list for
for developers so they can do this one uh faster faster they can improve this
one faster in case you do have in case you found
some bugs please do not report them to our support team
did they will need to go over here to the feedback
site and they will need to edit because this is as i said this is something that
our developers are following so in case you reported to support
support needs to go do this one and then becomes a different becomes a
delay so in case you found bugs that are not
like immediately needed to fix to be fixed
um please just report them over here because
uh this way our developers can work on it our support can answer
other questions that are more necessary for billing and for
for other things like that yes so in case you have any bugs if you
found any bugs please do not report them to support
for GroovePages for GrooveSell or anything please
just pop them in here and this is coming to a priority list from
our developers great so i’m just on my last slide and after this
one guys i will be jumping in and answering your questions
so in case you have any questions please put a queue in front of it dash and then
your question where can i see the upcoming features
i already answered this one very briefly so feature requests
and this is where you can see them this is where you can upvote them
and also inside the rollout schedule this is where you can see the features
that are going to be coming very soon great so i believe now we are ready to
answer the user’s questions from the comment section
please keep them relevant to this topic in case you have some bugs that you
encountered in case you don’t know how to connect your your
integration at this moment i will not be answering
those questions because i want to leave them
relevant to this video okay i will go after the live stream and answer your
questions in the comments in a written word but i want to
put on a video as a reply the questions that are relevant to the people that are
new as an intro to GrooveFunnels okay
in the replays is there a video on how to import wordpress site
there is a video on how to import things you can find it here inside
announcements tab because this this was not a training it was an announcement
about our page import feature you can have a look at this one this is
where i showed briefly how to use it and i suggest
watching the whole video to to get uh get um
more in inflow of how to use the page import and how you will be able to use
the page import later
the email was obviously delayed you know when it will be coming out
please have a look at the infographic over here it says it here
at this point it was set september th
okay so people are people are answering each
other’s questions how can you create automatic affiliates
when people sign up can you create accounts for customers on GrooveKart
you cannot create account for customers on GrooveKart because customer is a
person that purchases from you um the affiliates you cannot create
automatic affiliates at this moment this is something that is custom coded for
our system when we are selling software we created this for
ourselves but it has been requested inside the inside the membership area
over here GrooveMember feature request to to have
this auto auto affiliate system so you scroll
through here or search for it you can also search for
uh for different things inside the feature requests
so search for uh for the automatic affiliate
and upvoted this is a very good thing and i believe it is already decided that
this will be done there is no estimated time when this
will be done but i believe our company thought of this one
previously and it will be added
question from carol will students have the ability to download the certificate
when they have completed the course or attained
the required grade that is a great question karen i believe this is a
feature request so please head over to GrooveMember feature request
and upvote on a vote on it or request it if this is not done yet
eric when will the update the GrooveMember be out the link sent via email
doesn’t work for sign in you can get in once you create a member
but you can get it again also send email through member doesn’t
work either yes eric we know about this one these have been
being reported in GrooveMember bugs and our devs are working on it
also i created a video yesterday about how to use GrooveMember so in case you
want you can check that out i believe this could or not i believe i
know that will give you a workaround for the moment
um can i have different language settings on two different Groove
sites for for memberships and courses um this is a great question but languages
different languages are not supported yet
inside GrooveFunnels we will have over here inside my account when you
come you will be able to choose english or other languages at this
moment we have portuguese and english but
um when you when you are building out your
your products when you’re building out your membership there is no automatic
way of changing the language in there you can create a custom like
basically you can create a a membership that has
the the system um details in english but the content
is pushed out on your language that is possible to create
but at this point there is no language switch for other languages except
portuguese but for the new platforms like GrooveVideo and GrooveMember we are
still working on updating the language files for those
okay i’m just looking through the questions
give me just one moment
uh this is a very frequent question i signed up yesterday but haven’t received
anything this happens for for one reason most of
the time and this is because users type in a wrong email address so in case
you think you mistyped your email address or or
you didn’t receive anything the only logical place you can go is to
contact support support can actually look into the
purchases and they can find what emails you use to
log in and they can actually restart that for you
so you can access your purchase and most of the times people just say
that i cannot get i didn’t get anything and the solution or the reason for that
is because you probably mistyped your email and
you didn’t get the login details that is the the simplest explanation it
is a silly problem but it it can cause big issues so please
reach out to support in case this is something that you had
and they can they can restart that for you
if i have more than one domain can i integrate all of them as a separate
website for my membership and courses in Groove
so at this moment you cannot connect a separate domain
with map with your membership at this point and this is the first of september
which i’m talking about um this features are coming and will be
out soon and you will be able to do that yes if
you create five memberships you can have five
custom domains for for each of them or not each of them like you you can
have one custom domain for each of them but at this point we don’t have
the ability to have custom domain with a membership just a sub domain for now
um can i use it into network marketing business as online
yes you can use it for network marketing business
question from uh weber can landing page be share
with our clients with import feature if i put the code on my website ford
GroovePages account um can a landing page be shared with our
clients with import feature if i put so in case you are giving
access to your clients just just take the code from the from
your website that you have built and not
using the import feature like just copy the code
paste it for example i did this for my like i have a couple of websites that i
did and i just copied over the code as you
can see and this is something that i’m giving
to my clients to to the people that i send over the templates to
so just the code and not using the import feature it is
making it very simple you can email a website
that way
okay so i believe i went through all the comments to the top
let’s just see what the questions are i would be awesome if the german were
added as language options yes i know we will have some things like
this one please head over to the feedback and the and the feature request
and re and you can upload it it was already
there just click the upload button that will help a lot
um for new members other than watching this video what do you think
should be the very first thing for them to learn in order to be successful
i’m thinking pages and cell but your thoughts very good question
and let me just head over to youtube and show you
immediately so i would suggest the for everybody to start playing
with these these apps just to explore where the buttons are what they are
doing and what they are for but if i would
need to say i would send people to to a complete beginner’s guide to
working with GroovePages i go as i showed previously inside
GroovePages i just showed okay so here are the blocks here the elements
and then you can have different settings here
this is something that i created a video on only on that separate topic
so this is something so a complete beginner’s guide to working with GroovePages
as you can see it is very watched video very popular video .k
views for now and it was just pushed out a month ago
um in case you want to play with immediately building out something
um maybe building out a book landing page
or building out uh i don’t know where is a different build
video simplest affiliate funnel this is also
very interesting it was created in a half an hour we
created a an affiliate funnel it looks great and it was it was done
very quickly so people can follow these types of videos
and feel accomplished so this is one of the videos as well
creating a simplest the simplest affiliate funnel with a delayed button
in GroovePages this is something i would suggest to
start with and for GrooveSell i suggest to
watch the creating or embedded let me just uh this one building a
landing page with embedded GrooveSell checkout
this is a video where i go really in depth of of explaining everything that
GrooveSell has that GrooveSell that you need to do
inside GrooveSell so you you set it up correctly but you have
also these shorter videos as you can see they’re shorter than one minute
in case you want to create your affiliate promo tools in case you want
to create like this is for for setting up timer if
you want to add a product in in GrooveSell if you
want to edit the product in case you want to do an installment
plan in case you want to set up a gateway
in case you want to set up a refund period and things like this so these are
one minute two minute videos very short which explain just that that you want to
know so yes
simplest affiliate funnel is in case you want to learn by building
and in case you want to learn how to use the app
the complete beginner’s guide to working with GroovePages is what i suggest
to start with then you can do go into creating funnels with upsells and down
cells you can also learn how to create custom forms
and setting up sapir and things like this so there’s a lot of different stuff
that you can you can do um i am working on creating
different courses which go step one create a site and name it step two
put a video on it and then put a button on it step three
do this step four do the accept for set and so on
um it is coming soon i’m still working on them but for now
you can just go through some of these videos
and learn from this one can i have two joining on same person
i’m not quite sure i understand
if you want to have one platform like you purchased
GrooveFunnels but if you want to have two people in it
i don’t know if this is your question or not but
if it is then you can you just need to share your account with somebody you
will be able to to share your account later on more
easily when we will have the the customer users
and access which is over here additional users and roles
you will be able to add on your team members to work with you
but for now you would need to share out your login details
and only do that in case you trust the person
because they will be able to access all your sales data and things like this
um i have a a very nice lovely lady that is here in the back end
of the the training platform so if she maybe wants to
jump in just to say hi
hello exactly ready for prime time today but i did want to come
take a peek say hello and welcome to all of our new members and just see how
you’re doing david we are doing very well i’m just
answering the the questions that the people were asking during the
training we went through a lot of different things what is GrooveFunnels
what is GrooveDigital what what they can do with it and i believe
people will be able to learn a lot from this video
itself uh we are at the end of the q a session
i have no doubt david everyone learns a ton from your videos so
uh you guys are in hands with david as your community manager
great well thank you very much donna for popping by in case you
want to say something just we are ready for you anytime
oh yeah i mean i don’t i don’t have much to say other than
uh welcome and thank you it was a crazy couple of days here over at
GrooveDigital and uh just so excited to have all the new
members who’ve joined us we’re we’re um in the process of putting out
like a public uh email message that’ll be in the
facebook group to welcome all of you so um
yeah thanks thank you perfect um so let me just jump in back
to a couple of questions that i have made i
may have missed um how to import a clickfunnels landing
page or a website also when the blog feature will be
available fully you can see the rollout schedule and the blog
is here in q we don’t have dates for these ones yet
um blog will be coming out uh somewhere at the end of the year as
you can see here GrooveBlog is here but for the import feature the video i
suggest you to watch is this one inside the facebook group we
live stream into the facebook group just because we wanted to introduce the
page import feature in beta and this is where we talk about
how to import features for from click funnels and why
this is something that needs a bit of work on it so please just watch this one
you can find it in the announcements tabs
announcements tab inside the popular topics in post
in the GrooveDigital facebook group
um art in design can physical products be added to the marketplace or is it
only digital product so we do have Groove marketplace where you can see here
we will have an affiliate marketplace this is when you have
an affiliate program for your product you will be able to set it up
inside the affiliate marketplace this can be a physical product or a
or a digital product or even a service if you want
the Groove marketplace is not for selling through affiliates but this
is for selling uh products and services
directly to the end users and you can see we have already a couple
of products on here we are still developing this marketplace
it will be nicer it will be better but for now just to give you an example
this is what people do so they created their products in GrooveKart
and they uploaded these products um so that other users can buy it and
purchase it from here you can also sell your services like
GrooveKart setup and design and graphic design and press releases
and craft your unique GrooveKart and things like this
so it is not only for either physical or idle digital products
groove marketplace will be for services and products
but in case you want to sell using the affiliate marketplace which will be
called GrooveSell marketplace it is coming out
very shortly and it will be for for affiliate uh for products with
affiliate systems and behind it okay
perfect let me just jump through the other questions
um i think you misunderstood my question for GrooveKart i was talking about
customer login for your store like ebay or amazon so customers don’t
need to keep inputting their personal details
i am not quite sure what you mean by this so if you want to have
access for a GrooveKart you will
like hi hi do you know the question help you out there um so i
get your question so that your is so that our GrooveKart
customers their customers can log into their store
so it can maintain things like their credit card information their
account information their order history that kind of thing
and i don’t know if that is actually part of the plan
for GrooveKart stores but it’s a it’s a damn good idea
and um should be part of the plan i i don’t know
um i don’t know if it’s been considered but we can find out
yeah if not you should consider it because it’s a great idea
as i mentioned you can go into GrooveKart feature requests and you can
you can request it here that would be the best place to to have something like
that and could be that it is already
requested you just need to uh upvote it so i suggest using the
search function all the time it is the the best place without without
scrolling for kilometers yes
and there’s another question over here if you had items in the marketplace you
also wanted to have available for affiliates is that linked
or would you have to upload them both uh them to both spots
so at this point the two marketplaces will not
be the same so it will be like going into one shop
going out and then going into different shop um
it will be set up like that i believe it will be made easier for us in case you
want to pop it onto the marketplace for selling it without affiliates
and it will be also easy for uh for putting it on the
affiliate marketplace in case you want to go both ways
uh but at this point it is not done yet so we’ll just need to see
and and i believe there will be a lot of updates
uh for the marketplaces so we’ll just need to see
what we get and then later on how it is going to be updated
and in case you want to do immediately you can just request it here inside
GrooveSell feature requests you can just request
GrooveSell marketplace uh features that you would like to see
later on um there’s a question i want to move my
agency from wordpress to Groove i thought i would use GroovePages
however my understanding now migrates to GrooveSell
is a better option for my services would that be correct so
in case you’re trying to sell your services using
GrooveSell it is um it is possible but at this point your
agency that we don’t have the agency feature
yet inside inside GrooveFunnels and this will be coming out
towards the end of the year however at this point you can design
pages for your clients and get them to sign up
to their own GrooveFunnels account through your link this is something that
i would suggest you to do in case you’re an agency i want to start immediately
get them your link your affiliate link get them to sign up maybe get them to
buy to purchase the the lifetime deal while
while they can they can also save a lot of money using it
and you will design your their their pages and you will transfer their
them the design of the pages um so that they have basically a full website or
landing page done um and this is something that i recommend
but i’m not quite uh sure what kind of agency you are in case you’re not
a webs a website design agency then that would probably not
uh be the best for you
does GrooveSell GrooveKart offer automatic uh sales calculations i live
in eu and i have to charge vit on my on based on
my country and if they are vat uh
added this case i didn’t get answered yet yes so
the tax sales tax in GrooveSell we don’t have that option yet as i previously
pointed it out inside GrooveSell there is a button for
sales tax but that feature is coming soon it is not here
yet inside GrooveKart we do have the
the tax option and the calculation of tags per per country and
things like this however there is also integrations
available with tax jar and texture is an app it’s
an online platform which automates the calculations and
and basically handling your tax and it makes it super easy for everybody to
to not worry about their taxes and things like this so in case you are
working with GrooveKart we already have uh those features and also an
integration with texture which is actually almost built into the
system so that it basically handles the text for you
okay great question in GroovePages how do i link an
external file like style sheet css and script jss
we can use okay so this is um a technical question that i believe
you’re trying to to connect something else
to your design and i don’t believe you can
connect files but you can put your code from the from the files inside the
design if you have a look at how a page is
designed in GroovePages inside that the code
let’s just open this one it has
as you can see in the in the canvas over here it shows up really nicely
when you click the code over here this is css so basically the style of the css
is put in here and towards the end of the
page is html i’m not quite sure about javascript
but the html is showing up over here at the end
as you can see and this is all on one page so i don’t i don’t think
that is an option for linking in files to your designs
but in case you want to work with code this is how you would need to assemble
your pages using those code inside the source code
option here okay i will i will answer these two more
questions and then i believe we can wrap this up
because we will need to finalize this to not be a two hour video for the new
members is there a way to make price tags
inclusive instead of it being added to the sales price
you would need to look into all the options inside GrooveKart
there’s a quite a few different options you can choose from for you for your
for your best options question from matthias in order to to
use GrooveAffiliate the product must be created first in
GrooveSell or the two tools work independently
they uh they work independently so in case you’re selling your product
you set up your affiliate product uh your
affiliate system for your product inside GrooveSell in GrooveAffiliate you set up
the affiliate systems uh for outside products as well you can do
trackings and things like this for for other affiliate products in case
you’re promoting somebody else’s product GrooveAffiliate would be handling those
um what is the link for GrooveKart request it’s hard to see
on screen okay so the feature request and basically the GrooveKart
bugs for for reporting bugs and feature requests is
and i will copy it and paste it inside the
facebook group so that you can simply click on it
okay let’s make this the last question do i need a privacy
policy to promote clickbank products through GrooveFunnels yes
it’s always good to have privacy policy and to
to do all the necessary legal work so that you are you are
secured so that nobody can have any problems and
basically get uh in a in a legal conflict with you
later down the line so just secure yourself put on privacy
policy put on terms of service and what you’re actually doing in case
you’re doing affiliate promotions put also an affiliate
disclosure most of the sites that do affiliate promotions they have
affiliate disclosure um at the footer and i believe this is also
necessary in case you are promoting on paid platforms like
google or facebook without these legal pages
facebook or google would not even allow you to to use
uh paid promotions so that is it guys i believe you
you could um you learned a lot from this video we went through everything all the
questions where to find support uh where to report bugs where to see the
the road map of GrooveFunnels and in case
you do have any other questions we are always there to support you in
the in the facebook group also our support staff is ready to
handle your tickets um on
but in case you get stuck with something we are always here to help you
so thank you very much for watching hopefully we will see
your awesome creations inside the facebook group
uh very soon and yeah for the next time we will have a training tonight with
mr tom beale as i mentioned it’s tuesday if you want to sign up
uh just show up here on a youtube channel at p.m eastern standard
time or um or on in the facebook group
but as i previously mentioned GrooveFunnels
dot com forward slash calendar it has the opt-in button for opting into google
calendar or ical so you get reminders of our trainings
so yes with that said hope to see you tonight on the
GrooveDigital training and yes we see you in the facebook group as well
thank you guys for watching bye
The software at its core helps members create websites, accept payments and manage customers for physical products, digital products and services. It includes a powerful sales and affiliate platform that enables digital marketers and entrepreneurs to sell their products. Now Groovefunnels has announced a new version of the software to keep pace with the growing demand for even more value. [Sources: 6]
Now GrooveDigital has announced a new version of the software to keep pace with the growing demand for even more value. New and improved GroveFunnels include the ability to create professional websites to increase revenue, and a powerful sales and affiliation platform. [Sources: 6, 7]
These include the ability to create professional websites to increase revenue, and a powerful sales and affiliate platform that enables digital marketers and newcomers to sell their products. The software at its core helps members create websites, accept payments and manage customers for physical products, digital products and services. [Sources: 7]
The ability for digital marketers and infopreneurs to sell their products through a powerful sales and affiliate platform. We come out with a complete affiliate system that only helps sellers, affiliates and marketers to recruit and manage commissions. [Sources: 3, 7]
We come out with an army of commissions – only salespeople who let you amass armies of commissions just for your salesman to help you promote the product and get paid for it. The core helps you to accept payments and manage your customers for both physical products and digital products / services. Our software is open source, free and open – and available to anyone with a web browser or mobile device. [Sources: 3]
GrooveFunnels is an all-in-one sales software tool that helps you build your sales funnel and sell more digital products. It is designed to convert more visitors into buyers and control the process from start to finish. For more information about the Groove funnels and the full list of products and services, visit our website. [Sources: 0, 1]
We are much more than a funnel builder, as we are equipped with everything you need to successfully build and grow your online business. There have been some manufacturers of sales funnels in the past, but none of them has generated the amount of enthusiasm that GrooveFunnels has. This is almost unheard of in the online world of sales funnels and construction workers. [Sources: 1]
All in all, GrooveFunnels may just be the only digital marketing tool you will ever use to run a successful online business. We have trawlers, affiliate programs that pay sizable commissions, and training resources that help you move forward in your business! [Sources: 5]
If you can do it all in one central dashboard, imagine how much more you can achieve with your online business. ClickFunnels is affordable, even if you’re just starting an online business, with just $5 a month in your first year. [Sources: 2, 5]
GrooveFunnels is a new, all-in marketing platform that provides all the necessary software and applications. With the Groove funnel application series, users can follow you by email and send you discounted offers through automatic – based behavior. [Sources: 2]
Adztonidzhinglu GrooveFunnels also has the option to create a rowing affiliate program, so that each member eadzilu has the right to create their own affiliate rrogramdZ. Add the free Grove funneldz san aldzo to unlimited products edited by dzaledz by funnesldZ and sell your products in one go. Adztonsidez you can also build your own brand webDzitedz with the help of a free, all-in marketing platform. [Sources: 4]
At the moment you can forget completely for free what the Lite version of GroovePages also includes. Sush a robudzt software, the dzuites idz turisallu unheard of in dzoware developorment indudZtru, provided free of charge. [Sources: 4, 5]
AI Marketing video from Events That Matter.