TCPA Litigator List: The Significant Value of Services Offered

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in 1991 has been very successful in protecting privacy. Allowing people to enjoy their lives, free from marketing companies reaching out through unsolicited calls, text messages, emails and other related mediums. However, thanks to the creativeness and cleverness of opportunistic trolls and litigators, looking to get quick paydays. The TCPA violations are exploited rendering businesses vulnerable to TCPA claims and lawsuits that are mostly instigated by trolls. Leaving them with only two options; take the suits to court or go for the settlement. 

We have to understand that TCPA lawsuits or claims can be very expensive and be devastating to businesses. Taking them to court can cost from fifteen thousand dollars plus all the expenses, this also includes a lot of time to be wasted and damage to reputation. While settlements can cost a little less both financially and time. 

The Value of the Services Offered by TCPA Litigator List

With all of that said, avoiding TCPA lawsuits and claims filed by litigators and trolls is priceless to businesses in the marketing industry. However, traps like these are almost impossible to avoid, especially that the trolls are very persuasive with their methods. But with the most comprehensive firewall offered by TCPA Litigator List, businesses can do so.

As one of the highly regarded names in the industry, TCPA Litigator List understands that the only way to stop this issue and avoid lawsuits is to never engage them. It came up with an extensive system that helps businesses keep away from the traps set up by trolls and litigators without any risk. 

The core of the system is a huge database consisting of all the numbers associated with any TCPA issues up to date. Making it the main reference for the entire system, which is based on the basic principle of never engaging the calls. A database that is regularly updated with all the validated numbers involved or associated with TCPA lawsuits and claims up to date. 

  • Phone Scrubbing – The basic service offered by TCPA Litigator List is a full phone scrub that gets rid of all the numbers on your list that raise a red flag.  Providing a fully cleaned list paired with a list of bad numbers that can be used as a future reference. Keeping businesses away from engaging any induced calls from trolls. 
  • Number Look-Up and Real-Time Scrubbing – It also offers a more convenient way of checking if a number is on the list.
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