Stats relating to the Growth of the CBD Oil Market

From APNews: “Global CBD market is anticipated to touch USD 22,07,162.54 million at a 125.58% CAGR between 2016-2026, states the latest Market Research Future (MRFR) report. The term CBD is popping up in almost every product right from hummus, face cream, to the morning latte. Cannabidiol or CBD, simply put, is a chemical compound extracted from cannabis plants. This is a naturally occurring substance that is used in products such as edibles and oils for imparting a feeling both of calm and relaxation. As opposed to THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), this is not psychoactive”.

17% of U.S. consumers have bought a hemp product.

How To Find Remote Work During the Quarantine

At the time of this blog post during COVID-19 times are hard. It may take extra effort and extra smart effort to land remote work. A good place to look is on, also On both of these you can use many filters to narrow down elements that fit your needs.

Here is a partial list of sites:

USMT vs Tranxition for PC Migration

This post compares USMT vs Tranxition for PC Migration. The respective websites are and

The reported reliability of USMT is 29% errors. Tranxition has a reported reliability of 99.9%

USMT does not have vender direct support. Tranxition provides vender direct support.

There are differenes in speed between the two. For a 10GB migration, Tranxition comes in at 0H:29M and USMT at 1HR:40M.

There is no GUI user interface for USMT. Tranxition does have this feature.

Both Tranxition’s Migration Manager and USMT supports transfer between domains.

USMT does not have phone or email support and Tranxition provides both.

Recently Used Files Recreated: USMT – no. Tranxition – yes.

Complete Outlook Migration: USMT – no. Tranxition – yes.

SCCM Support USMT – partial. Tranxition – yes.

Comparing costs: USMT has no upfront cost and Tranxition coming in at $19.95/1.

We hope that this comparison will help you get clarity in your software decisions.

LapLink vs Tranxition for PC Migration

This post compares LapLink vs Tranxition for PC Migration. The respective websites are and

Both LapLink and Tranxition have vender direct support.

The biggest and most significant difference between the two products is speed. For a 10GB migration Tranxition comes in at 0H:29M and LapLink at 2HR:00M to 14H:00M.

Both Tranxition’s Migration Manager and LapLink supports transfer between domains.

Both LapLink and Tranxition have phone and email support.

Recently Used Files Recreated: LapLink – no. Tranxition – yes.

Complete Outlook Migration: LapLink – no. Tranxition – yes.

SCCM Support LapLink – yes. Tranxition – yes.

Comparing costs: LapLink comes in at $59.95/1 and Tranxition coming in at $19.95/1.

We hope that this comparison will help you in your IT decision journey.

IE vs Tranxition for PC Migration

This post compares 1E vs Tranxition for PC Migration. The respective websites are and

Both 1E and Tranxition support multiple user profiles and have zero-touch automation. 

In speed 1E comes in at 1H:40M and Tranxition at 0H:29M.

The biggest and most significant difference between the two products is reported reliability with 1E coming in at 29 percent errors, and Tranxition at 99.9 percent reliability.

Tranxition’s Migration Manager completely supports transfer between domains. 1E’s support for this functionality is partial.

In terms of vendor direct support: 1E No (for migration) but Tranxition does offer vendor direct support.

Recently Used Files Recreated:   1E – no Tranxition – yes.

Complete Outlook Migration:  1E – no Tranxition – yes.

SCCM Support    1E – partial Tranxition – yes.

Costs are similar with 1E coming in at $15/Migration and Tranxition coming in at $19.95/1.

We hope that this comparison will help your IT decision process.

What is and do you need a registered agent?

A registered agent is a responsible third-party that is located within the same state as the business that is able to receive service of process notices, correspondence from the Secretary of State, and various other official government notifications on behalf of the corporation or LLC.

“The registered agent for a business entity may be an officer or employee of the company, or a third party, such as the organization’s lawyer or a service company. Failure to properly maintain a registered agent can affect a company negatively.” Wikipedia can provide this nationwide or internationally through corporate affiliation with NRAI.

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