“…the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform released a paper entitled “The Juggernaut of TCPA Litigation: The Problems with Uncapped Statutory Damages.” The paper warned American businesses about the increasing amount of litigation brought under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA)”
Fact: The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) was signed into law in 1991
From TCPALitigatorList.com :
“The intent of TCPA is to stop unwanted and unsolicited calls and to protect people’s privacy. Unscrupulous attorneys and individuals have abused the regulations to make TCPA litigation a big business. They induce businesses to make multiple phone calls, then sue them for those calls. Because attorney’s fees are not recoverable in TCPA lawsuits, fighting these claims in court can be very expensive, over $10K plus.”
PerkensCoie on TCPA Regulatory Interpretation:
Now you can get a list of those doing repeat lawsuits to scrub your efforts: